Company history

Based on our long experience in design, marketing and installation of entrance systems, work with other leading manufacturers and direct contact with customers and users of mats, we decided to start developing and manufacturing our own unique entrance cleaning systems.
June 2011 –We started designing and developing the first series entrance mats - HD60 and Duo. In the design process we tried to avoid all the shortcomings of existing systems, to improve their quality parameters, and keeping law price at the same time. One of our main goals was the creation of a highly resistant product designed for extreme traffic areas.
August 2011 - after extensive selection, we choose our suppliers of components and materials. We chose leading manufacturers with high quality products and we ordered our initial stock supplies.
September 2011 - By that time we were ready with first test samples of HD60 products and all necessary internal tests.
October 2011 - began regular production models of the series HD60.
December 2011 - good product acceptance by customers and dealers led us to develop the idea and the other two systems - HD40 and HD25, based on the HD60 series, we were ready with their design by end of the year. Initial supply of materials needed for production of test samples from the Duo series was ordered.
January 2012 – we were ready with test samples of the Duo series and tested them.
We intend to develop another product - low profile L43, with a ramp profile, designed for low-traffic public areas and private homes. It will be designed for installation on top, without mat well.
Although we started our production recently, we already acquired large customer base and finished many projects. The positive feedback from our customers gives us the confidence that we have created the right products.